Survey: Affordability and Working Conditions in the Arts

Help out with research into the affordability and working conditions in the arts and culture sector.

Hill Strategies Research is conducting a survey with the Cultural Human Resources Council to investigate affordability and working conditions in the careers of artists and other cultural workers in Canada, especially issues that are not covered by census data or other statistical sources.

The survey covers issues that Hill Strategies gets asked all the time by artists, association leaders, funders, and other cultural workers. 

The survey has mandatory sections related to affordability, demographic information, and your work in the arts and culture.

It should take about 15 minutes to complete, but it might take a bit longer if you stop to ponder some of the statistics presented.

Who should complete this survey?

  • People who work in the arts, culture, and heritage, who are 18 or older, and who reside in Canada.
  • We are particularly interested in the situation of artists, so if that description fits you, please continue!
  • We also want to hear from other cultural workers.

Complete the survey by March 6.

Fill out the survey and find out more on the Hill Strategies website.

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