Annual General Meeting

The membership is invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Arts Council on November 20th in Queens Park at 7:30 to 9pm.

Keynote Speaker:  J.J. Lee, Author and raconteur!

Light refreshments will be served.

Please note:

To vote or take part in the meeting you must have a current membership.

A Membership table will be staffed the evening of the meeting for renewal purposes.

Cash or cheque are welcome.

Our members and group membership are very important to the process of the Annual General Meeting. We need to hear from each group if at all possible. We would very much appreciate if all of our Group Members will send a representative to this meeting to directly share the activities of their respective group. If attendance cannot occur please prepare a brief written report for presentation by the Chair on your behalf. The written reports can be emailed to the Arts Council at , mailed or hand delivered at the Arts Council Office inQueensPark Tuesday to Sunday 1 to 5pm.

It would be appreciated if these reports could be made available to us in advance no later than November 15th 2012.

Your participation is important to a thriving and vibrant Arts Community.




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