Call for Artists: New Westminster Public Libary 2022

Are you a visual artist living or working in New West? Are you interested in a month-long exhibit on the 2nd floor gallery panels at the New Westminster Public Library? Submit to our Call for Artists for 2022-2023, open January 4 to February 11, 2022.

In 2022, 11 artists will be chosen to have a month-long exhibit in the upstairs gallery space. Successful applications will have a body of work (small is fine!), a strong artistic eye, and a desire to contribute to the artistic conversation in our community. You are also welcome to make a group submission with artist colleagues, but the group should be sure to consider the cohesion of the proposed exhibit.

A Community Art Selection Committee ensures the community and library’s interests are echoed in the works selected for exhibit. The Committee is comprised of one library trustee, library staff, and members of the community who are active in the creative arts in their personal or professional lives. A set of criteria is used to guide selection of work to exhibit each year.  Our selection process ensures that we represent the varied community interests and artistic talents of New Westminster and beyond. We are especially interested in showcasing the full spectrum of our diverse community so if you are a BIPOC artist, live with a disability, have a different gender expression or are LGBTQ2S (for example), let us know!

Selected artists are given one-month showings. Priority is given to exhibitors who live or work in the City of New Westminster and we encourage any artist or group who exhibited previously to apply.

NOTE: Submissions cannot be for work that has already been showcased in New Westminster in the preceding 12 months, nor (upon acceptance) be displayed in any other New Westminster gallery during the exhibiting year.

Please email if you have questions.

To Apply: Click here for the Submission Form (scroll to the bottom)

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