City of New Westminste Exhibition: “Housing Values”

Housing is the hottest topic around these days.

Everywhere you turn, people are talking about housing but it’s not a new concern. How much, where and what people live in has been debated since New Westminster was founded in 1861.

Housing Values is a new exhibit presented by the New Westminster Museum & Archives, examining ideas around housing in New Westminster and how cultural values, economics and history influence where and how we live in this city.

The exhibit opened in October in honour of the United Nations’ World Habitat Day.

Opening Reception

Join Changing the Conversation artist PJ Patten on February 20th for the opening reception of his mural project.
Location: Feature Gallery & Gallery 7 (Anvil Centre)
Time: 6pm – 8pm

To learn more about the exhibition visit the City of New Westminster website.

Check out more of PJ’s art here.

And to learn more about the Changing the Conversation program, you can find that on the Arts New West website.

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