A lifelong artist – perpetually re-emerging – Annette’s latest work is a direct reflection of her own aging process. As a figurative painter, aged 71, she has for the past number of years focused her work on the aging body, attempting to break down and challenge the cultural stereotypes that equate beauty with youth.
Acknowledging unfair attitudes surrounding depiction of older figures and questioning these very taboos, Annette challenges and confronts the dominant negative perception of aging questioning gender and cultural values.
Formally taught with a BFA in printmaking, a BEd in Art Education, and an MFA in theatre design Annette has made art her life’s pursuit and career. Now in her fifth decade of art practice, she has had a varied career spanning disciplines, media and genre.
Today she maintains a studio in East Vancouver where she creates her multi-layered, multi-media paintings.

Connect with Annette

On The Beach
June 14-16
Opening Reception: June 14, 6-9 PM
Viewing 15th & 16th: 12-5 PM
Edge Studio Gallery, 1000 Parker st, Vancouver
To learn more about Annette you can visit her website or connect with her on socials.