Cultural Mapping Survey

For Immediate Release
New Westminster, October 15, 2013

Community Survey Supports City’s Cultural Mapping Project

The launch today of a survey to collect details about the depth and breadth of New Westminster’s cultural resources is the first step in developing an interactive Cultural Map that will help plan for long-term growth and showcase the full scope of New Westminster’s arts, cultural and heritage community.

We know that mapping cultural assets increases public appreciation, promotes tourism and builds community”, says Greg Magirescu, the city’s Manager of Arts & Cultural Development. “The survey is an essential step to building an interactive map and we encourage anyone involved in the creation, promotion, delivery or care of, or education about, culture to complete the survey and help build the map.”

The survey can be found online at:

The survey will be open until December 31, 2013, after which the creation of the map will begin.  The map will feature individual assets in a variety of fields, including venues, festivals, individuals, organizations, public art/monuments, heritage and stories. Organizers plan to have the map online, hosted by the City of New Westminster, in early 2014.

New assets will be added and existing assets will be updated regularly.  Linking the map to community partner web sites and through social media will enhance everyone’s awareness of the vibrancy of the cultural landscape of New Westminster–provincially, nationally and internationally.

The New Westminster Cultural Map is the result of a partnership between the Arts Council of New Westminster, the City of New Westminster and Douglas College, with the financial support of a BC Creative Communities Grant through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development (Arts, Culture and BC Arts Council Branch).

For further information, please contact: Ms. Andrée St. Martin, Executive Director, Arts Council of New Westminster, (603) 525-3244,


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