Passionate Outdoor Painters

At Ambleside by Jane ApplebyPassionate Outdoor Painters present: “Through Their Eyes – Landscapes in Various Media

With artists Jane Appleby, Sue Cowan, Sahar McCullough, Sally Turton, Alison White and Randy Green

September 3 – 29
Gallery is open daily 1 to 5pm, closed Mondays.

Artists’ Statement

The Passionate Outdoor painters venture out to capture the essence of the places they visit and wish to share these experiences through their paintings. They have been painting on locations all over the world in oil, watercolour, acrylic either together or individually.

As artist friends they encourage each other to pursue their personal styles and sometimes critique each others work.

The show is a collection of local scenes with many new works on display. Hope you will stop by and take in the beautiful scenes the group has captured.

The artists will be in attendance on Sunday Sept. 29 for the closing day.

Here is a selection of the wonderful paintings you will see at this exhibition:

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