Dead Poet’s Slam

This exciting poetry event is part of Lit Fest New West.

A poetry slam is a competition at which poets read or recite original work but at a Dead Poet’s Slam poets read a Dead Poet’s poetry and sometimes dressed in costume to resemble the Dead Poet. Performances are judged by five randomly selected members of the audience.

Before the competition begins, the host will often bring up a “sacrificial poet”, whom the judges will score in order to calibrate their judging.

Come on down to the backstage room at The Heritage Grill, 447 Columbia St., New West on Thursday, April 12th and watch some of the hottest spoken word poets in the lower mainland go head to head for cash prizes!

Your host is Reese McBeth.

Only $5 admission at the door. Doors 7:15 PM. Slam Signup 7:30 – 7:55 PM. Slam starts at 8:00 PM The top three winners of Thursday’s Slam will slam off on Saturday April 14th to close out the Lit Fest New West Show Case on the mainstage at Douglas College.

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