Downtown New Westminster – Public Space Activation program

The Downtown New West BIA proudly relaunches our annual placemaking grant program to inspire our community in activating local public spaces! 

In partnership with the City of New Westminster, The Downtown New West BIA invites individuals, businesses and not for profits to submit your proposals for unique and innovative activations in Downtown New West public spaces. A volunteer jury will choose 3 projects to support in 2021. 

The Downtown New West BIA originally launched the program in 2019, see the 2019 winning submissions here. Unfortunately like so many things, this program had to be canceled in 2020, but the BIA is excited to bring it back for 2021.

The Downtown New West BIA is looking to you to come up with creative ways to activate public spaces, get people outside, foster social connections safely, build community, and make the Downtown more fun and inclusive. Above all else activations must be safe and abide by all COVID-19 safety protocols.

Program Goals:

  • Foster activations in public spaces that are safe, welcoming and inclusive
  • Build community by encouraging people to connect with each other safely in public spaces
  • Test new ideas and help identify/remove barriers that discourage activations of public spaces


The Downtown New West BIA is looking to fund 3 projects in 2021 for up to $2,500 each. This funding would go towards your costs of producing the activation, and could include materials, artist fees, insurance, marketing, equipment rental, and supplies. The funding is not eligible to cover charitable donations or liquor purchases. 

The Downtown New West BIA will also provide promotional support, and guidance in acquiring necessary permits with the City of New Westminster.  


  • Your activation could include dance, music, art, technology, or hopefully something we haven’t even thought of before! The one thing it MUST be is safe, welcoming and inclusive to everyone.
  • Activations could be a single day, recurring pop-ups, or a seasonal installation. 
  • Activations must follow all current public health orders and protocols. The City has some guidelines you can view here.
  • Ongoing or previous activations within Downtown New West do not qualify. 
  • You must be prepared to take on all aspects of producing the activation including staffing and funding (with the help of the grant of course).
  • Activations must take place before December 15th, 2021.
  • You must acquire appropriate insurance naming the Downtown New West BIA and the City of New Westminster as additional insured parties.
  • The activations must happen in a public space within Downtown New West as defined by the BIA boundaries

Bonus points for:

  • Using a previously underutilized public space and/or supporting a change in perception about a public space.
  • You bring together two or more individuals, businesses or not for profits to partner together on an activation.


  • To submit your proposal, please fill out our online form by March 8th, 2021.
  • BIA staff will then review and create a shortlist, asking that shortlist for more details and a budget by March 29th.
  • The shortlisted candidates will have the opportunity to present to the volunteer jury in early April.
  • The 3 successful proposals will be notified shortly after the volunteer jury presentations.

The Downtown New West BIA wishes to highlight how diverse our community is, and in order to break down any exclusionary barriers and create a platform for marginalized voices, artists on the LGBTQ spectrum, non-binary artists, artists of colour, Indigenous artists, and disabled artists, are strongly encouraged to submit.

Submit your proposal here!

Questions about any aspect of this program can be directed to

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