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Momentum Youth Festival – October 23/24/25

Momentum Youth Festival Poster - 2015Presented by the Arts Council of New Westminster and produced by Massey Theatre, Momentum Youth Arts Festival is programmed, organized and driven by youth. The Momentum Youth Panel consists of seven youth from New Westminster steering the arts programming for the festival. Momentum Youth Arts Movement aims to celebrate and promote youth artists by giving them a place to display and perform their art for their peers and community.

With a revamped planning and organizing structure, one now entirely envisioned and driven by youth, the annual festival aims to spark a new creative energy for all to enjoy. The key community partners supporting the youth’s efforts are; Arts Council of New Westminster, Massey Theatre, NWSS Fine Arts Department, City of New Westminster Youth Services, and SD 40 Community Schools.

Over the three day weekend youth will gain important public exposure and experience, learn through visual and performing arts, and celebrate individuality and the creative voices of youth.  This year’s events include a Columbia St Music and Art Crawl on October 23rd and a Pecha Kucha presentation at the Anvil Centre on October 24th.

For more information check the website:
For full schedule of events, click here




Momentum Youth Festival Poster - 2015

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