New West Artists Pop Up Exhibition – Potpourri – Sept 12 & 13

NWA poster_POTPOURRI_2015_PRINT-page-001The Arts Council of New Westminster presents

Our very first pop up exhibition in partnership with New West Artists:

Watercolours, Acrylics, Photographs, Collages, Cards

September 12th and 13th
1pm to 5pm Saturday and Sunday
Opening Reception: Saturday September 12th, 2-4pm

Artist Statement

Through connection, education, and promotion, this local non-profit society inspires, encourages, and celebrates visual artists.

New West Artists welcomes visual artists of all levels, from hobby artists to full-time professional veterans, from anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you live or what visual medium you prefer. We all have much to give and can benefit from pooling our talents, ideas, and creative energy. Your online presence on this website, as well as your participation in our many exhibitions, events, and workshops, will help develop your art as much — or as little — as you like.

Meetings are held nearly every month, where our aim is to share information about producing our own NWA shows; calls to artists; promotion of our own work; and otherwise filling the needs and solving problems artists consistently face. You needn’t be a member to attend any of our meetings; however, you must be a member to exhibit in any of the NWA shows.  More about membership here.

We’ve held exhibits at the Anvil Centre, Century House, 100 Braid Street, the Shadbolt Center, River Market (the Quay), Four Stones Church, and various other venues around the Lower Mainland. Many artists have their own studios.

We look forward to meeting you!

Participating Artists

Eileen Pick
Lisa Lawrence
Virginia Railton
Janet Kvammen
Kay and Richard Klyne
Julia Schoennagel
Carol Rose
Tony Bryan
Donna Ross
Teresa Morton
Robert Jost
Elena Zhukova
Barbara Wendzich
and others
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