New Westminster Cultural Crawl 2015

Cultural CrawlAugust 8 & 9, 2015 marks the launch of New Westminster’s 12th Annual Cultural Crawl, with a two day city-wide Arts & Cultural experience.

Meet local artists and artisans, discover our heritage, and prepare to be delighted by our unique cultural footprint.

Join us in our Gallery from 1pm to 5pm for the New Westminster Pride Group Exhibition featuring works by Belle Ancell, Shelley Stefan, Adam Menzies, Linnea Strom, Cliff Blank and Judy Villett

For more information about the events, venues and artists, visit their website here.

The New Westminster Cultural Crawl is part of the BC Cultural Crawl which is  a self-guided tour of community-initiated events: music, theatre and dance performances, visual arts, festivals, museum and heritage exhibitions, culinary arts, community art walks and more. For information about cultural crawl events in other parts of the Province, visit their website here.

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