Pepe Hidalgo – “Brushstrokes in History / Pinceladas en la Historia” – Nov 10 to Dec 13

ACNW Pepe Hidalgo Poster - webThe Arts Council presents
“Brushstrokes in History / Pinceladas en la Historia”
by New Westminster artist Pepe Hidalgo
November 10 to December 13
1 to 5pm Tuesday – Sunday
Opening Reception: Sunday November 15, 2-4pm

Artist Statement

Standing in front of each painting I encounter a moment in time created within the world depicted on the canvas. It is certainly no coincidence that each of the paintings is representational. Each depicts, and thus constructs, a world with a unique space-time that is definitely separate from the one which the viewer primarily inhabits. Some of these spatial moments are more penetrable than others. What each of the depicted moments share is that they present moments of leisure or rest, moments when time slows or even stops, sometimes briefly, at others permanently.

The pieces often have an intimate personal ring to them but they are also closely connected to mythological and mysterious distant natures, personal elements that show both the process side and the object side of the art-making experience. The scenarios in each work have their own story, their own relation to theory and history within art, within the art world and outside of it as well. This conjuring of a range of ‘pasts’ become the unifying element in the otherwise stylistically diverse exhibition. Objects with historical associations make up metaphors for the great differences and dissimilar points of departure that human beings are allotted.

My art invokes the ever ineffable nature of time and the equally mysterious way that the past, in art and in the rest of life, can push its way forward into the present moment. They often reference a historical moment, but not exclusively.

Artist Bio

Pepe Hidalgo is recently living and working in Vancouver, Canada. He was born in Madrid, Spain. Hidalgo predominantly paints with acrylic and sketches.

His artistic process started as a child during frequent visits to the Museo del Prado in Madrid.  Goya’s paintings are what confirmed his desire to be an artist. Later he was influenced by Velazques, Zurbaran, El Bosco, and the impressionists. Miro, Picasso, Francis Bacon, Pollock, and Esteban Vicente have also contributed to his work.

Pepe Hidalgo completed his studies in Madrid, Spain and Utrecht, Netherlands. During his studies he began Abstract Expressionism.  He studied form, colour and perspective individually in detail. Now his works juxtaposes all three aspects.

His work has been exhibited and is in private collections in Spain, Germany, Belgium, Canada, and Holland.

Hidalgo has a distinct element present in his paintings. There is a string or cord that can be seen in the majority of his work. It acts as the umbilical cord that unites him to the universe, and allows him to time travel back and forth as it supports his weight and pulls him back into reality. It also takes on the role of identity maker and it can almost be considered to replace his signature.

Artist C/V


  • 2015Across the River, Artists in the Boro Group Exhibition, The Gallery, New Westminster.
  • 2009 – Foundation of the Caixa, Santa Cristina D’Aro, Girona, Spain.
  • 2000 – Exposicion Sala, Huis 13, Tiel, Netherlands.
  • 1998 – Huesca City Hall, Sala Carderera, Huesca, Spain.
    – Estampa, Pabellon no. 11, Casa de Campo de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
  • 1997 – Estampa, Contemporary Art Museum, Madrid, Spain.
  • 1996 – Muziekcentrum, Vredenburn, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    – Kunstgalerie Crs. H.J. Van Rooy, Lochem, Netherlands.
    – Expo Art, Madrid, Spain.
  • 1995 – Gallery City Art, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  • 1994 – Casa Golferichs, Barcelona City Hall, Barcelona, Spain.
    – Gallery Tudela, Rottherdam, Netherlands.
    – Musseum Boymans, Van Beuningem, Rottherdam, Netherlands.
  • 1986 – Gallery Fkkze, Euskirchen, Germany.
    – Casa de Espana, Hannover, Germany.
    – Pintura al aire libre, Gharleroi, Brussels, Belguim.


  • 2008Appearance on Monte Perdido, Selection in First Contest de Pintura Libre Fundacion Caja Rural Jaen.
  • 2001De J.R. Sender a Miro Pasando por Picasso, Selection and Mention of Honor, de ZARTE.
  • 1992Equilibrium in Europe, Francisco de Goya Prize, Selection and Exhibition, Conde Duque Sala.
  • 1985Shipwreck in the City, Second Place, Painting Abroad Contest, Ministry of Work (Utrecht-Madrid).

Exhibition Preview


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