River Fest – Call for Artists

riverfest logoHeld every year on the last weekend in September, events throughout the province attract over 75,000 people in more than 100 communities. The success of this event has recently led to the establishment of World Rivers Day, which coincides with BC Rivers Day and takes place in a number of different countries.

Inspired by the river, RiverFest is an art and environmental festival that attracts over 10,000 visitors to the Fraser River Discovery Centre and the Westminster Quay boardwalk. Along with artists and artisans, RiverFest will consist of community, environmental, and conservation organizations communicating their vision, live entertainment, and crafts and activities for children and their parents. We guarantee there will be something for everyone!

We are inviting artists and artisans to display, demonstrate, and sell their work at the Artist on the River Market during RiverFest on Saturday, September 28. In addition, we welcome artists to attend the Opening Reception on the Friday evening and encourage you to display a piece of your finest work in the galleries of the Fraser River Discovery Centre.

If participating at RiverFest appeals to you, please review the attached criteria guidelines and complete the application form and return it to the Fraser River Discovery Centre, either via fax at 604-521-9401 or email events@fraserriverdiscovery.org by August 23, 2013.

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