Riverfest Call for Artists and Artisans

Riverfest logoInviting Artists and Artisans with works (in all media)  that are inspired by rivers or focus on the environment.

Artists and Artisans will be able to display and sell their artwork along the Westminster Quay Boardwalk or inside the Fraser River Discovery Centre.

Riverfest: “Inspired by the Fraser” will be held on Friday, September 28 and Saturday, September 29 in celebration of BC and World Rivers Day.

Please review the attached:

Completed application forms can be send by FAX : 604.521.9401, by email  to: The Arts Council of New Westminster: info@artscouncilnewwest.org, Fraser River Discovery Centre csale@fraserriverdiscovery.org, or hand delivered to the AC or FRDC by August 24, 2012.

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