Spring has Sprung in Pop-Up Exhibition featuring the Garden Gals

March 9, 2016

NEW WESTMINSTER, BC — The Arts Council of New Westminster is proud to present

The Glory of the Garden, a Pop-Up exhibition featuring the work of the Garden Gals from March 30 – April 3, 2016, in The Gallery at Queen’s Park. Join us for the Opening Reception on Wednesday, March 30 from 6 – 8pm. All are welcome to attend.

The Garden Gals are an active art group of sketchers and painters with a passion for art in nature. They are a subgroup of the long standing New Westminster Horticulture Society (NWHS) established in 1934. Ten years ago NWHS members held a drawing session in a member’s garden and there was sufficient interest to start a subgroup which later developed the show name of ‘Garden Gals’. The core values of the group is to celebrate the glory of the garden through art and to promote an appreciation of nature and urban green space by sharing their visions through paintings.

The Glory of the Garden features the art of Linda Cant, Susan Tamkin, Terry Rammell, Silvana McNulty, Carolyn McLaughlin, Marjorie Pauch, Brenda Fairfax and Merril Hall.

For full exhibition details, please visit: http://artscouncilnewwest.org



Founded in 1967, The Arts Council of New Westminster is an umbrella organization built by individuals and member groups who share an interest in visual, performing and literary arts. The Arts Council’s role in the community is to advocate for the arts at all levels of government and to foster support for anyone engaging in artistic and cultural endeavors.

For more information about the Arts Council, visit http://artscouncilnewwest.org

Stephen Carl O’Shea, Executive Director
The Arts Council of New Westminster

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