Stump City Stories – The CD

CITY STAGE NEW WEST, New Westminster’s non-profit professional theatre organization, is aiming to raise $3,000 of the approximately $15,000 needed to produce a professional cast recording CD of STUMP CITY STORIES–through Kickstarter, the highly effective, online international crowd source funding platform for creative projects, which is new to Canada this year. This marks New Westminster’s first Kickstarter campaign.

Written by award-winning composer George Ryan, Stump City Stories is an original Ovation Award-nominated musical based on the history of New Westminster. Commissioned by City Stage in 2009, the musical was brought to 1500 New Westminster Secondary Students free of charge in 2010

This third leg of City Stage New West’s ongoing cultural legacy project will produce a lasting record of this superbly entertaining and informative musical. Once done, the CD will be donated for use or commercial purposes to the City of New Westminster, the Fraser River Centre, the Museum and Archives, the Anvil Arts Centre, Library, the School District, and more. Many of the songs from this musical are paeans to our City and British Columbia, perfect for use at civic events and in educational settings.

To date the theatre has received a generous grant from the City, funding from the Province of British Columbia’s Multicultural Grant, and some private donations but is still shy of its bottom line.

Click here before December 24th, 2013 to find out how to be part of the fun, support an amazing grass-roots cultural legacy project, and get some terrific holiday gift items:  Or visit  and click the “Kickstarter” link.

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