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The Compassionate I: Personal Images of Loss & Healing pop-up group exhibition – River Market – November 2020 to January 2021

The Arts Council of New Westminster
and the New West Hospice Society present:

‘The Compassionate I : Personal Images of Loss & Healing’ pop-up group exhibition

Featuring photography by:

Melanie Evalyn | Kathy Harms
Janet Kvammen | Paul Newton
Heather Prost | Deepali Raiththa
Caroline Sullivan | Anonymous

River Market
November 2020 – January 2021

This exhibition features eight photographs engaging the broad themes of loss and healing.  A whole range of loss affects the human condition. Loss of loved ones, loss of home, ability, identity, and so on. With loss comes different modes of healing. There is no correct response to loss, nor right way to go about healing – it is very individual and personal. Images are an interpretation of loss and healing and captured by a compassionate eye / I.

Special thanks to Patterson Brands and River Market for supporting this exhibition

About the Arts Council of New Westminster
Founded in 1967, The Arts Council of New Westminster is a community arts organization built by individuals and member groups who share an interest in visual, performing and literary arts. The Arts Council’s role in the community is to advocate for the arts and foster support for those engaging in artistic and cultural endeavors.
More info:

About the New West Hospice Society
New West Hospice Society was incorporated in August 2016 with the goal of working to make New Westminster a Compassionate City where neighbour helps neighbour at end of life and where talking about dying, death and grief are not taboo subjects.
More info:

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