Be Heard: Anvil Centre 10-year Review

Anvil Centre is almost 10 years old!

The City wants to make sure Anvil Centre is serving the downtown and broader New West community well, and are open to ideas that will enhance what is currently offered in the facility.

The City intends to continue current services and major renovations to the building are not planned. They will work within the existing building configuration to respond to what they hear from the community about priorities for this public facility.

All voices are welcome – both regular and occasional visitors to Anvil Centre, and those who have rarely or never been. If you are not a regular visitor, the City is curious to know why!

There are a range of in-person and online options to share your feedback and ideas. Feel free to participate in the way(s) you most prefer.

Note: this engagement is more of a conversation and less suited to multiple-choice survey questions. That’s why many of our engagement activities are dialogue-based, but we’re still offering some quick-input options.

For ways to engage and to learn more about how your voice can be part of the conversation, visit the City of New Westminster website Be Heard.

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