ArtsToGo – Call for Artists

The Arts Council of New Westminster (ACNW) is immensely excited to announce a call for artists to help deliver our ArtsToGo programs to kids and youth. As a long standing community organization, the ACNW is dedicated to fostering, supporting and promoting cultural education, encouraging artistic exploration, and infusing creative spirit.

We are currently seeking fresh, enthusiastic artists who have a shared interest in community engagement and can deliver one hour workshops to elementary school aged children. This is an open call that accepts applications from those who are creatively inclined and emerging artists, to the more established. If you are interested in community dialogue and assisting in the development of a child finding their voice and artistic practice we warmly encourage you to apply.

Please let us know your details and if you specialize in music, dance, performance, visual arts, arts and hobby crafts, spoken word or another art discipline by filling out our Artist Form. The program will begin January 2016.

ArtsToGo Artists Application Forms can be returned to Stephen O’Shea at

Application Deadline: January 15, 2016.
Artist’s wages and supplies are covered and will be discussed during the interview process.
Participation in the ArtsToGo program will require you to take out an annual membership with
The Arts Council of New Westminster.

Download an application form here

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