Previous Exhibition – Remembering Jack

The Arts Council presents the exhibition “Remembering Jack
August 5th to 30th

For the month of August we are remembering our dear friend Jack Campbell.

Born and raised in New Westminster, Jack was a painter and graphic designer. He graduated as an honor student from Emily Carr where he also taught for fourteen years and at the Kootenay School of Art in Nelson for eight years.

Jack had his Studio at the Westminster Quay Market for many years and specialized in watercolour, acrylic painting as well as paper sculpture and murals. His favorite subject was scenes from the Fraser River and the West Coast.

When the Arts Council established its Artist in Residence program at the NWSS, Jack was the Artist for two years. Students loved interacting with him and watching him paint.

Jack designed the Arts Council’s first logo, served on the Board of Directors, and was always ready to help. We will miss his generous and creative spirit.

We thank those in the community who collect Jack’s works and have selflessly offered these works to this show:  Andree St Martin, Patrick Johnstone, Antigone Dixon- Warren, Chuck Puchmayr, and Amber Anderson.

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In the Studio Gallery

Left Behind
On exhibit in the Studio are paintings that have been left behind from various exhibitions. If you are an artist and are missing a painting…visit the exhibit!
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