Media Release: Friends of The Arts Council #NewWest Campaign Receives $10,000 Matching Donation from Anonymous Supporter

May 19, 2020 – New Westminster, BC

In addition to ACNW’s Friends of Arts Council #NewWest Campaign 2020, launched on May 5th to support the continuity of ACNW’s digital programs and services, the ACNW has now received a gracious matching donation up to $10,000 from an anonymous supporter to help the Arts Council reach its $35,000 fundraising goal. New donations received between now and July 1st will double in value, contributing to the ACNW’s work of virtually delivered programs and sustaining services provided for members and citizens of New Westminster.

“Personally, I miss hearing music on the streets and in our parks” said Bob Crockett, ACNW President. “We don’t know when things will return but we do know life will be different. Your Arts Council is monitoring other cities and working with other organizations to bring back our vibrant arts scene.”

Donations to the Friends of Arts Council #NewWest Campaign 2020 will ensure that ACNW remains an information and resource centre for artistic and cultural projects, while continuing to help make our community a better place to live, work and play. Raised funds will also assist the Arts Council in continuing to host the weekly New Westminster Cultural Roundtables on Thursdays at 3:00pm as a forum for sharing amongst artists, artisans, curators, arts administrators, and citizens. Anybody interested and engaged in the arts and culture sector in New Westminster is welcome, professionally and otherwise.

The Friends of Arts Council #NewWest Campaign 2020 will culminate on July 1st, Canada Day, with the goal of raising $35,000, representing $1,000 for each year since The Gallery at Queen’s Park was founded in 1985.

To make a donation, visit    

In this time of uncertainty and physical distancing, the joy you bring into our lives is more important than ever. Thank you for the gifts you give to our community every single day!
– Judy Darcy, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, MLA for New Westminster

We are so grateful for you and for your generous contribution to making this challenging COVID-19 time lighter, enriching, and joy filled for us all. Thank you!
– Anonymous Donor

Thank you for working tirelessly and passionately to bring arts initiatives to New West!
– Lori L. Walker


About the Arts Council of New Westminster

Founded in 1967, The Arts Council of New Westminster is a community arts organization built by artists, audiences, and arts groups who share an interest in visual, performing and literary arts. The Arts Council’s role in the community is to advocate for the arts and foster support for those engaging in artistic and cultural endeavours.

For more information about The Arts Council of New Westminster, visit We can be reached at

Media Contact:

Stephen O’Shea, Executive Director
Arts Council of New Westminster | 604 525 3244 |

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