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Royal Flush Fundraiser Results 2017

A big THANK YOU to all the folks who came out and attended our Royal Flush: Let’s go all in for the Arts! Fundraiser on Thursday February 23rd, 2017. We are grateful to Match Eatery and Public House at the Starlight Casino for partnering with us on the event and serving their food and drinks. Special thanks also to the Social Medium DJs for music and visuals, and to Iris Mes-Low and Jim Walsh for putting their artistic talents on display. We are also very grateful to the dedicated volunteers who ensured our event ran smoothly.

Together we raised over $4,000 with the proceeds from the event going to increase our capacity for programming and advocacy for the Arts in New West.

We couldn’t have done this event without the help of our amazing community and the local businesses who generously donated to our silent auction. We would like to thank the following amazing folks:

[jcolumns]Ahoy Soap
Bead For Life
Bloom Bloom Room
Beth Snow
Cap’s Original Bicycle Shop
Danielle Bobier
Foreman Integrat Tire Auto Centre
Game Deals Video Games
Hennisea Hoy and Rick Lee
Inn at the Quay
Judy Darcy
Judy Villett
Karen Justice
Katarzyna Vedah
Kathleen Forsythe
Key West Ford
Laughter Zone 101[jcol/]
Linda Chow / Linda Designs
LumberJax Custom Wood Jewellery
Mila and Paige
MusicBox New West
Pacific Breeze Winery
Pandora’s Locks
Patrick Street Productions
River Market
Royal City Farmers Market
Royal City Musical Theatre
Steel and Oak Brewing Co
The Stage New Westminster
Tojo Sticks and Bags
Vancouver Fashion Truck
Vagabond Players
Wild Rice
Working Silver[/jcolumns]

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