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Seth MacBeth – “Page to Page – Building New Worlds, Exploring New Depths” – Oct 3 – 28th, 2018.

The Arts Council of New Westminster presents:

“Page to Page – Building New Worlds, Exploring New Depths”
by Seth MacBeth

Exhibition Dates: Oct 3 – 28th, 2018.

Opening Reception: Wednesday Oct 3, 6 – 8pm

Inter/action: Sunday, October 14, 3-4pm

Free Admission.

Exhibition Statement

Seth Macbeth is interested in how creativity speaks a language all its own. In her work, Macbeth tells stories, in many forms and mediums. Our lives, our history, our worlds are made of stories. The intension behind her work is for the viewer to hear the story she is telling, but also begin a tale of their own, with their own experiences leading their interpretation. Lead by an emotional response to the imagery, Macbeth extracts her material from books, cutting them by hand and weaving them together until a balanced image is formed.

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